- Unpaid CTO adventures: Getting my fiancee`s business to generating 100k a month
- use-shopping-cart 3.0.0 is finally released! What changed and what's to come
- AWS Amplify vs CDK
- Making a hooks library framework agnostic with Redux
- Stripe's new Price API and how use-shopping-cart helps you get to Checkout
- Three ways to fully take advantage of the opportunities around you
- Rendering components in React with a loop
- The Tiny MBA review
- Adventure Club - 30x500 Notes on Failure
- Don't seek mentors, seek friends
- The two things that help me combat Imposter Syndrome
- You have an amazing app idea - now what?
- Personal Projects and why you should finish them
- My very first open source library for e-commerce
- Opinionated Libraries vs Less-Opioniated Libraries
- How to ask for help without feeling like a burden.