Nick Dejesus

Rendering components in React with a loop

A frequent thing you’ll need to do with React is looping through data and rendering components based on that data.

In this post, I’m going to show two simple ways to handle this, one with an array of strings.

This post assumes you’re beginning with React and have somewhat of an understanding of how JSX works.

Let’s say the goal was to show four strings wrapped in the paragraph element.

The source for these numbers would be coming from an array:

const arrayOfStrings = ["Zero", "One", "Two", "Three"];
function SomeComponent() {
return (

This is no problem at all if the data in the array is so small.

But what if there were hundreds of elements in that array? Doing this would take you all day, it would also be hard to make edits if a bunch of the values changed for some reason. This is where you’d want to use a loop.

This is what I would do:

function SomeComponent() {
return (
{ => <p>{string}</p>))}

Notice, in that return statement, I started with an open curly bracket {}

I call this opening up the JavaScript portal. This allows you to use JavaScript within JSX.

I used map on arrayOfStrings, the paramater string represents the element in the array at the current iteration of the loop, which is a string, and the ES6 arrow is shorthand for returning that string, but wrapped in the <p /> tag.

There are different ways to loop through arrays and apply elements in them, I hope this was a simple enough example to help you on your way towards more complex uses!

Nick Dejesus

Hi, I’m Nick, a React Native and Jamstack developer from Boston.
I’m the author of this blog, nice to meet you!

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